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What is “Fauved?!”

Fauvism is an art period where wild colors were used to convey emotion and evoke feelings.

Art print of a woman seated, elbow on her crossed legs. she has bright, red hair, navy tights, and has a look of interest and intrigue on her face. style is fauvism. colors of orange, green, white, yellow. lines and angles.

André Derain, Woman in a Chemise, 1906

“Fauve” is my middle name (pretty cool, right?)!

Happiness Found In Art Prints, 2024

Fauved: So, I verbified my middle name (I made it a verb) ((that’s a real word, y’all!)), and now Fauved is the container for all of my business magic!

Naked + Fauvism, as held by Sarah, 2024

(Don’t know how to pronounce “fauved”?)

You know that spot in the book where I say I “visibly mended” some of my life wounds with colorful thread?

That’s what we’re doing here.

To “Fauve” something is to infuse it with color.

Henri Matisse, Joy of Life (Bonheur de Vivre), 1905

Lives full of color— pour out with life.

Hiler Color System Wheel, 1940

We have to feel, connect, and honor our lives in order to experience the fullness of it’s potential.

So we can be brave enough to show up for ourselves! To live our favorite lives, to be brave, true, and authentic!

Fauved is also …an imprint.

(Meaning, we’re going to publish more books under Fauved Press.) (!!!:)

Are you brave enough to live your best life?

Fauved Press books are a little audacious.

Fauved Press authors have an entrepreneurial spirit.

Fauved Press publishing is all about connections.