I’m not everyone’s cup of tea.

But, I am certainly some people’s shot of espresso.

(big Sarah laugh!)

Sarah Dulany-Gring (SDG) is the owner of FAUVED and the author of NAKED. Through writing, events, and workshops, she teaches others to connect authentically, feel fully, and deeply honor their personal narratives in order to show up for themselves in this (messy) life. Instead of being one’s “best self,” she encourages everyone to be their “favorite self.” She loves coffee, the ocean, and daffodils. She hates mosquitos, humidity, and olives. She lives in Central New York with her two fairly large mini-humans in a tiny house.

I have a reckless faith in this beautiful life and the power of divine love.

& that’s certainly not a trust I came to easily.

My bougie coffee order is (ready?) a hot quad-shot breve latte.

What’s your bougie coffee order?

Come tell me at the next Naked Coffee!


(I’m a geriatric—ha!— millennial, do not try to find me on every platform, you’ll be disappointed)