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okay, okay, okay— but first, I gotta gush.

  • It’s locally printed. I really, really, really value local, and I am overjoyed every day to have a high-quality local printer and binder.

  • So, the cover— feels lovely— because I painstakingly chose the paper and the finish. It feels like something you want to pick up, hold, and carry around with you (& maybe show off a bit).

  • & that interior paper— has just the right amount of tooth and is a painfully-hard-to-obtain shade of cream (better readability than brilliant white). The weight of the paper is hefty enough to allow for writing notes in the margins without bleed and is heavy enough that it feels good turning pages.

  • The primary font in the book— took days to decide on after reviewing, basically, every font ever made.

  • I could not find a cover font, header font, or secondary font, that felt right. So, I made one. (It’s my handwriting.)

  • & I didn’t even make my handwriting into a font— I wrote out the title, headers, and subsection headers out on paper with a marker a hundred times until it felt right.

  • In fact, there are a few little spots in the book where the handwriting still don’t feel perfect, and it drives me just a little crazy. But, I digress.

  • The curved half-body line and belly button on the cover, tho— I didn’t do that. My art magic ends at stick figures. My Goddess of Design did those.

  • The table of contents is counter to 99% of the books on the market. Mine is on the left page, not the normal way on the right page. This came at the recommendation of a very important 13-year-old who expressed dissatisfaction with TOCs on the right-hand page because they are harder to flip back and refer to. So, Naked’s TOC is on the left page.

  • So, yes, yes, yes, it’s a piece of art, but it’s also robustly practical.

  • It is a creative nonfiction as a series of essays, spoken word, stories, and poems. But, unlike most essay collections that jump around, these are grouped so that it feels like one successive narrative.

  • Oh! I also made it for busy people! So each section is a 3-10 minute read.

  • It’s easy to pick up and put down; you will not feel that “I have to remember what was going on” feeling.

  • It can be read front-to-back, back-to-front, or jumping around. It will all circle back and you will not miss anything. Have fun with it!

  • It ended up being really good for anyone with attention challenges! Easy to pick up and do a little and set back down!

  • Each copy mailed out/sold at events hasn’t even been opened from the printer yet— which means that feeling of opening a book that has never been opened before, is reserved just for you!

  • I wanted as many copies as possible to be sent out signed. So, they come from me at the cottage.

  • This too, I went a bit artsy on.

  • Each book is signed then wrapped in thick brown paper and special “fauved” tape.

  • Each package goes out with an ink-stamp.

  • I hand write everyone’s name and address on the front.

  • & I go to the post office with each one.

This isn’t just a book— it’s an art print, too! Meaning I made it feel like a piece of art.

I told you I was going to gush a bit, and true to form, this whole section was longer than I anticipated (ha!).

But, *spreads arms out* welcome!

& more “official” book information is just a scroll away (ha!)

#1— the Audiobook

Woman with dark, curly hair wearing headphones grins open-mouthed at us, seated in front of a large recording microphone.

I made this book to be an audiobook!

Seriously, this book basically started as total verbal shenanigans! It was always going to be an audiobook!

Digital sticker reads, "This has a bloopers reel! (Big Sarah laugh)!" with an upward pointing arrow.

#2— The all-important back of book blurb:

Someone needs to talk about this stuff.

It is completely unacceptable that no one talks about this stuff.

The stuff no one talks about is all I want to talk about.

Naked is a collection of coming-of-middle-age essays that traverse a path from self-neglect to self-honoring. There is a rhythmic, lyrical quality to SDG’s debut, which poured out of her with urgency after years of being stuck in life’s holding patterns.

From the smallest of life’s moments– a ceramic cup, a hug, a bagel– to life’s inexhaustible journeys– change, growth, love– SDG holds them all equally, bringing a level of emotional introspection and deeper wisdom that holds no pretense.

Readers who cannot abandon their lives for a year of rest, reflection, and renewal will find solace in SDG’s approachable take on doing that work within their daily lives. She teaches that within our stories are choices– to question, to grow, to be brave.

#3— obligatory, shameless, review plug

“Naked will have you laughing and crying and everything in-between, but most of all contemplating WHY no talks about these nitty-gritty aspects of life...when every word in this book perfectly illustrates the very fabric of universal human existence…will leave you breathless and begging for more.”


“One of my favorite books of all time. SDG has a way of making you feel like you’re having coffee with an old friend. The authentic stories are relatable—It’s honest and real, which can be hard to come by nowadays. Through her storytelling she gives you space to take any journey you need.”


“Everyone is always searching for that one thing - the thing that will fulfill them in life - this book, somehow, reminds you what your thing is - and reminds you to keep working towards it. This is definitely on my ‘yearly re-read’ list, and I have no doubt it will be on yours as well!”

— Jessy

#4— who likes maps? I *love* maps!

Where Naked has shipped to as of 8/2024! If you check off another state, you should *singsong voice* email me so I can send you a free sticker!!

eBook version available on Kindle (Amazon), Book (Barnes & Noble), Kobo, Google Books, and Apple Books.

(And here’s the deal, if this still doesn’t feel affordable—email me, ‘cause I got you.)

#5— the eBook

Accessible, portable, and widely available!

Square sticker that reads, "Be brave enough to live your best life," on the lid of a silver laptop.

I trust the work comes with the timing.

If you’ve made it here and it’s resonating

this may be your sign!