Someone needs to talk about this stuff.

It is completely unacceptable that no one talks about this stuff.

The stuff no one talks about is all I want to talk about.

The stories we tell ourselves have a profound impact on our daily lives.


Writer, Saleswoman, Storyteller, Networker, Poet, Guide, & Goddess


Parent, Friend, Sister, Cousin, Lover, & Neighbor


Authentic, Practical, Spiritual, Wounded, Brave, & Confident


Sarah Dulany-Gring (SDG) is the author of Naked. She loves coffee, the ocean, and daffodils. She hates mosquitos, humidity, and olives. She lives in Central New York with her two fairly large mini-humans in a tiny house.

What the heck is “Fauved,” and how do I pronounce it?

“This book felt like sitting down with a friend over coffee and getting real.

The book does not have pictures, but if it DID— these would be them!

(don’t forget to scroll!)

Feel your stories all the way through. Honor them. & move forward with them.

Are you just here for the stickers?

(Flashy Sarah side-smile+elbow nudge) “…So, do you want to be friends?”

Contact me!

(this is actually my FAVORITE part!)

Email, text, or go to my contact page for more fun & info!

Email is GREAT:

TEXT (or call!) is awesomesauce: 315-571-2146!

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